

PRINCO Watch 可說是經典手錶的未來,它的功能提高了錶類的標準,協助現代人的忙碌生活,但同時保有時尚的元素。

有了 PRINCO Watch,你就有更多時間學習、改變與實踐。

我們藉由這個機會,找到世界各地穿戴 PW 的朋友們。請他們分享每個人、每個職業怎麼在這個大環境中做自己!



“我樂愛我的工作也愛運動! 我改變世界的方式是從自己動起來而去影響身邊的人,幫助很多人身體更健康和獲得良好的體態以及正確的運動觀念。


在不同的國家當教練讓想法更沒有侷限,運動本身就是多元性發展的,加上每次出國旅行都會嘗試不一樣的體能活動,所以不只在室內健身房,海邊,公園,山上,湖邊和森林等等到處都可以運動。 運動讓我更了解自己,當你越了解自己,你會找到屬於自己夢想的生活方式,希望大家也可以找到自我的價值,肯定自己,開心做自己!

我叫 Wendy,我是一位健身教練。I'm here to change the world!”


" I love my job and love to exercise! How I change the world is by influencing others surrounding me by being active myself, and to help more people to become healthier, building a stronger body, and the correct concept of exercising.


I, like many others, love to travel, I am very lucky that my work allows me to exercise and to take with me everywhere I go in the world.

Since 2004, I’ve been a Personal Trainer in the gym in Taiwan then off to Japan, Shanghai, Hawaii, and now onto my 6th year in Sydney Australia.

To be a Trainer in different countries opens up the boundaries, there are no limits on how you want to teach your students. The concept itself develops diversely, coupled with different physical activity; not only in the indoor gym, seaside, parks, mountains, lakeside and forest, everywhere can be my playground. Exercise allows you to learn more about yourself, when you know more about yourself; you will find your way of dream. I hope that get to know you, to overcome yourself, to be happy for who you are!

My name is Wendy, I am a Personal Trainer. I’m here to change the world!”